Answering Fire - In a suspected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam and the team investigate the case, old friends and government officials soon muddy the water.Fatal Error - When t…
Answering Fire - In a suspected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam…
Martin Shaw (Death in Holy Orders) is back as Inspector George Gently, a by-the-book cop from London now working in the North East of England. This corner of the country is just starting to experience the social changes …
Martin Shaw (Death in Holy Orders) is back as Inspector George Gently, a by-the-book cop from London now w…
Answering Fire - In a suspected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam and the team investigate the case, old friends and government officials soon muddy the water.Fatal Error - When t…
Answering Fire - In a suspected terrorist attack on a London hotel a government minister is killed. As Sam…